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Real Analysis MCQs and MSQs with Solutions for CSIR NET, IIT JAM, GATE
Countability of Sets – II

Practice Questions for NET JRF Real Analysis Assignment: Countability of Sets

11. Which set is countable?

12. If \(F\) is the set of all functions defined on \(I_{n}=\{1,2,3, \ldots ., n\}\) where \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) with the range \(B \subseteq \mathbb{I}^{+}\) (the set of positive integers), then:

13. Select the correct statements:

14. Let \(P_{n, m}\) be the set of polynomials of degree \(n\) with integral coefficients such that \(|a_{0}|+|a_{1}|+\ldots .+|a_{n}|=m\), where \(a_{i}\)’s are coefficients. Then:

15. Let \(S=\{a \in \mathbb{R}: a\) is a recurring decimal number\} and \(T=\{b \in \mathbb{R}: b=\sqrt{\frac{p}{q}}\) for some distinct primes \(p\) and \(q\}\). Then:

16. Consider the following statements:

  1. Every infinite set is equivalent to at least one of its proper subsets.
  2. If a set is equivalent to one of its proper subsets then it is an infinite set.


17. Let \(A_{1}, A_{2}, \ldots, A_{n}\) be sets, where \(n\) is a fixed natural number. Consider the following statements:

18. How many statements is/are false?

  1. Cardinality of \([0,1] \times [0,1]\) is the same as the cardinality of \(\mathbb{R}\).
  2. Cardinality of \(\mathbb{R}\) is the same as the cardinality of irrationals.
  3. Cardinality of \(\mathbb{R}\) is the same as the cardinality of \(\mathbb{C}\).


19. Let \(A\) be an uncountable subset of \(\mathbb{R}\) and \(B\) be a proper infinite subset of \(\mathbb{N}\). Define \(f: B \rightarrow A\) such that \(f\) is one-to-one. Then:

20. Let \(P_{n}\) be the set of all polynomials of degree \(n\) with integral coefficients. Then:

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